What’s going on St Maarten/St.Martin in March
By Kerry Biddle on 27th February, 2015

The Heineken Regatta falls on the first weekend in March.
3 Budget Marine Match Racing Cup
Starts 2 days before the Heineken Regatta.
5 GILL Commodores Cup
The pre-regatta warm-up for the all-out racing classes is a day of racing with prize giving at Port de Plaisance and also the welcome party for the Heineken Regatta.
6 35th St Maarten Heineken Regatta (1st Weekend)
First day of racing is the Race Around the Island with a party on the Boardwalk featuring a main stage and multiple acts.
7 Second day of racing – starts Simpson Bay finishes Marigot
The party is in Marigot with a main stage and multiple acts.
8 Final day of racing – starts Marigot finishes Simpson Bay
The main party is on Kim Sha Beach with a prize-giving ceremony. There is a main stage and final performance by the headliner of the event.
17 St Patrick’s Day
19-22 St. Barth’s Golden Bucket Regatta
23 Treaty of Concordia
Honors the signing of the treaty between Holland and France dividing St Maarten/St Martin between them.
23 Coast á Côte Off-Road Walk/Hike/Run
A grueling cross-country trail to commemorate the race between the Frenchman and the Dutchman when they divided the island between the two nations.