What’s fresh at the Market?
By Lindsey Turnbull on 17th February, 2016

Crystal at the Farmers Market in Camana Bay on Grand Cayman
Everyone in Cayman gets excited when Wednesday afternoon comes around because then we know we’ll be able to buy the best in locally grown produce at Camana Bay’s Farmers & Artisans Market. This weekly event begins at midday sharp and showcases the labours of Cayman’s local farmers and growers, as well as a wide variety of locally made products such as jewellery, cosmetics, artwork and more. Locals venture here in their lunchbreaks looking for fresh produce for dinner, while tourists are often bussed to the location so they can enjoy a really unique, local experience – and hopefully acquire some lovely souvenirs along the way.
One of the most exciting aspects of this Farmer’s Market is that you are never quite sure what will be available for purchase, because the various growing seasons of Cayman’s fruits and vegetables dictates what is on offer at any given week.
This week we saw an abundance of carrots, all knobbly and bumpy pulled straight from the ground, while a beautiful display of lush greenery in the form of Swiss Chard, New Zealand spinach, green (spring) onions and more, was a popular draw for buyers.

Bountiful carrots at the Farmers Market in Camana Bay on Grand Cayman
Coconut trees are year-round bearers of their fruit and stall holders made light work of cracking open these sometimes tough nuts, displaying the sweet white coconut meat beneath.
While we are yet to reach mango season (although trees are starting to flower in readiness for the season), there was none-the-less a plentiful supply of fruit, in the form of papayas and bananas, for sale. Some of this produce was whizzed up in a blender to form delectable sweet and tangy fruit smoothies and juices, a particular hit with youngsters.
Make sure you visit us again soon for more updates on Camana Bay’s Farmers & Artisans Market.