Source: United States Virgin Islands Department of Tourism
KISSIMMEE, Florida (July 30, 2013) – For the third successive year, the United States Virgin Islands Department of Tourism is enhancing its partnership with the African American community through the territory’s support of the highly anticipated National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention which gets under way this week in Florida.
The Department of Tourism is participating in the 38th Convention and Career Fair at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center which brings together the largest gathering of journalists, editors and educators of color in the country. Included in the convention is the largest career fair in the country for minority journalists.
The Department of Tourism and the St. Thomas-based Sugar Bay Resort and Spa are supporting the annual Founders Reception where Commissioner of Tourism Beverly Nicholson-Doty will speak about the importance of the African American market to the US Virgin Islands and the important role African American media has played in sharing messages of the unique island attributes of St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas.
“We continue to place emphasis on multicultural marketing as a destination, and our relationship with NABJ and the African American media enables us to help create memorable vacation experiences when African Americans visit our shores,” the Commissioner noted.
In addition to the Founders Reception this Friday, August 2, the Commissioner will address the Salute to Excellence gala dinner to be held on Saturday, August 3. This year’s gala event will be hosted by Don Lemon of CNN, and Cari Champion of ESPN.
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