Estate Whim in St. Croix |
US VIRGIN ISLANDS (December 8, 2014) – As part of a commitment to keep the heritage and culture of the United States Virgin Islands alive, the Department of Tourism has entered into a partnership with the St. Croix Landmarks Society to present a “Living Museum” experience at Estate Whim Museum.
Beginning in January, stay-over visitors, cruise passengers and residents will have the opportunity to participate in traditional Crucian experiences that reflect the island’s rich historical crafts, cuisine and lifestyle.
“Working with local historians, tradition bearers and young preservationists, the attraction will honor our traditions as we remember our past and envision our future,” said Beverly Nicholson-Doty, Commissioner of Tourism of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The “Living Museum” will offer demonstrations and interactive activities related to St. Croix’s history and unique cultural traditions, recognize elder tradition bearers and engage them as instructors in a training program for young adults and teens.
Part of the project will be a tradition bearer certification program that allows students and out-of-school youth to acquire cultural preservation, historic interpretation, public engagement and customer relations skills.
“We embrace the challenge of bringing history alive and will continually seek to develop our offerings to reflect the totality of our history,” said Sonia Jacobs Dow, Executive Director of the St. Croix Landmarks Society. She added that all efforts will aim to be respectful to those who “lived it and sensitive to those who wish to understand it.”
The former Estate Whim plantation site will serve as a backdrop for the combined experiences of a “village” or town “big yard,” where fishermen, cooks, joiners, bakers, blacksmiths, basket weavers, seamstresses, and even the occasional goldsmith practiced a trade or craft to earn a livelihood.
Several other projects will be unveiled, designed for culture travelers, environmentalists, and bird watching enthusiasts.
“We believe St. Croix is an incredibly attractive place to visit in both the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Caribbean, and this new attraction speaks volumes about what St. Croix represents to its residents and what ought to be portrayed to our visitors,” said Nicholson-Doty.
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